Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Update from Oct 10, 2013

I spent a good deal of my recovery in Hot Springs downloading the free classics on my audio book AP. The days before hot springs I listened to the first three chapters of a bunch of classics. Not realizing they usually do 3 chapter down loads at a time. I listened to the first three chapters of A Tale of Two Cities, Alan Quartermain, The Count of Monte Christo, Sailing Alone Around the World ( read by a quaint New Englander in that down east voice about a Downeaster sailor), Dracula and Le Morte de Arthur.
At the last two or three miles before Hot Springs I caught up with a couple of women I had overtaken the previous day they had somehow gotten in front of me and the stepped aside to let me by. I said if they didn't mind I'd like to hike with them . If I had not placed myself between these two, I am not sure I would have made it to Hot Springs yet. At the end I stumbled off to the hostel and only now really appreciated the help I received whether or not they knew it.

Cherokee National Forest, Greeneville, TN, United States

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  1. "The conversation was pleasant about aligning miz hoes and loosening joint" from FG on the AT...

    Do tell FATHER GOOSE - were you being rubbed with cannabis oil?

  2. Wow beautiful PIC and fall colors. Enjoy Buddy. Can't wait to see ya. Take care.

  3. Gosh, a few days go by and all kinds of adventure happens. Hope you're on the mend for good. Great to follow your adventure!
