Sunday, November 10, 2013


I have put all my photos below. Some are duplicated/already imbedded into the blog. This is the dump of all my pictures from camera and phone. Mostly because it got a bit cold the last few days and I was unwilling to take my gloves off to work the iPhone touch screen. I did however use the camera all along, especially when I thought I wanted to take a "good" picture. (The only good picture is a picture you want to look at.)
staging food and gear

the weigh in, China Maine

The verdict, in pounds. Four days of food but no water. A pints a pound the world around and I have a 2 liter Platypus in there. I wonder how full it will be?

We are off to the airport

farly largish suite at the cheap airport hotel in Atlanta, GA

Airport food from down the street. BBQ and a can of in-the-shell boiled peanuts - that I'll send home.

Atlanta public transportation, MARTA

My first Hostel. Pick up at Atlanta and delivery to Hiker Hostel, Dahlonega compliments of Survivor Dave.

Springer Mountain Plaque and white blaze number one, mile 0.

A selfie at my first shelter sign.

How does one keep all this organized?

Trail Magic in the form of water in a dry stretch. 

Bear cables. All food and trash need to be out of reach.

Lots of tourists on bikes and motorcycles for the hilly and winding roads.

Find Rastus my Maine lobsta